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Tachograph Simulator

Knowing how to use a tachograph properly is a very important part of a driver's job.  Learn using the tachograph simulator application.

Siemens tachograph

Stoneridge tachograph

Actia tachograph

FAQs regarding the driver CPC / the Driver Qualification Card

What does driver CPC training involve?

    When you sign up for a CPC training course, you can expect to be instructed in an area that is related to the carrying out of your day-to-day work. This may be related to the safe operation of your vehicle, dealing with customers, heavy lifting and much more. Please see our blog for the complete syllabus, which is set by JAUPT.
Who needs driver CPC training?

    Driver CPC training is an absolute must for anyone who wants to be a professional coach, lorry or bus driver. The qualification is a legal requirement and assures the safety of your passengers and other members of the public.
Is the CPC exam hard?

    The Driver CPC is not a test. Attendance only is required. However, the content is very useful and informative, so do participate and keep an open mind!
How can I check my Driver CPC hours?

    You can keep track of your CPC training hours – how many you’ve done so far and how many left to go – on this UK Government website:
Do van drivers need CPC?

    If your van is 3.5 tonnes or over and you’re a professional driver by trade, you’ll need a Driver CPC.
Do I need a CPC to drive a minibus?

    You will not need a CPC to drive a minibus if it is capable of carrying less than 19 passengers or if you’re not transporting passengers in a professional capacity. Otherwise, you must have a current driver qualification card.
How long does a CPC last?

    Your Driver CPC card (a.k.a. driver qualification card) lasts for 5 years, and then you will need to renew it with another round of training.
How do I change between EU and UK when it comes to CPC card?

    If you did some or all of your training in another EU country but you have a UK driving licence, you’ll need to apply in writing to get a UK CPC card. You can do this by collecting your UK licence number, phone number, dates you lived abroad and your EU address, the names and addresses of your employers during that time or your tax reference or national insurance number for the countries you worked in, plus a £25 payment. Send all of this information in its original form to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency at Driver CPC, DVSA, PO Box 280, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE99 1FP.
How do I check my CPC status?

    How to register

    You need your:

    driving licence number
    home postcode

    A password will be sent by post to the address on your driving licence. Go to this web page:

Get in touch
Driver CPC Syllabus
If you think the driver CPC is not relelvant to you, think again.  All courses must be approved by JAUPT and must cover specific aspects of being a professional driver.

The driver CPC syllabus covers all the important aspects of professional driving and is split up into the following categories:
•    safe and legal driving
•    economic and environmentally-friendly driving
•    health and safety
•    threat awareness
•    customer care
•    passenger safety
•    dealing with challenging situations
•    safeguarding and disability awareness
•    looking after yourself and your vehicle
•    loading and the carriage of goods

PSV Driver and Operators
Make sure your drivers have a valid driver qualification card.
Ensure that the training they receive is relevant to the work they do.
Receive training from passenger transport professionals who have actually done the job.
Get assistance (free of charge) with keeping  your CPC training schedule up-to-date.
Have training sessions at your depot, or give your drivers a day out and send them to one of our lovely location on the outskirts of Swindon.
Who Needs a Driver Qualification Card
CPC certification is now legally required for almost all professional drivers holding Category C or Category D licences. There are some exceptions.  However, the government recommends all professional lorry, bus, and coach drivers assume they must have the CPC certification in order to drive legally.
The simple answer for professional lorry, bus, and coach drivers is 'everyone'. The key word here is 'professional'.
If you drive any of the following as a means of your principal source of income,
you must be CPC certified:
•    Articulated lorries
•    Tipper trucks
•    Bin lorries
•    Heavy construction equipment
•    Buses - both regional and local
•    Coaches - both regional and continental.
Furthermore, all operators (i.e., haulage and transport businesses) of HGV and PCV vehicles must also be CPC certified. Their training is slightly different due to their status as operators rather than drivers. However, the differences are minimal for practical purposes.

You can check your driver CPC training hours on this government website:

Periodic Driver CPC Training
New drivers who completed the initial CPC qualification are presented with a CPC card demonstrating they have met their legal requirements. That card is good for five years. All drivers licenced prior to 2008/2009 were afforded acquired rights that gave them an additional five years to complete their CPC training. In 2015, all commercial drivers now on the road are expected to have a valid CPC card.
Remedial training, also known as periodic CPC training, is required in order to renew an expiring card every five years. This training is intended to be both professional development and competency training that keeps the professional at the top of his/her game. It involves 35 hours of classroom work offered through an approved training provider such as the Specialised Training Services (HGV Training).
Remedial training does not have to be orientated to a limited list of just a few topics. Companies like ours that develop CPC courses are given the flexibility and latitude to custom design training courses to meet the needs of each of our clients. One client may want drivers to be trained in emergency road safety while another may prefer training in the safe transport of petroleum products.
You can check your periodic training on-line at the governement website.  Check this page for more details.
Driver CPC Exceptions
You may be a professional driver operating a qualifying vehicle under the control of the armed forces, a police agency, a fire service, a civil defence organisation, or another entity tasked with maintaining public order. Such uses of commercial vehicles do not always require CPC certification.
•    You are driving a minibus with a seating capacity of less than 19, for which you do not need a category C1+ E licence, and for which you receive no remuneration in exchange for your driving
•    You are driving the vehicle for the non-commercial carriage of passengers or goods for your own personal use
•    You are driving a vehicle for the purposes of rescue during states of emergency
•    Your vehicle is being used to transport material or equipment necessary for your work in a job in which driving is not your principal activity
•    You are driving for the purposes of testing a newly developed vehicle or a vehicle under repair
•    You are driving for the purposes of taking lessons or being tested
•    Your vehicle is being driven within 50 km of your base and carries no passengers or goods.
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